Feminism 101

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Hello, and welcome back to our blog. Today get ready to be coached on what feminism is to us exactly and why it's so important to us. First, let's begin by looking at the meaning of feminism its origin and then we'll go over the rest later on...
  1. 1.
    a person who supports feminism.
  1. 1.
    relating to or supporting feminism.

  1. the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the genders.

So now that we know what the words Feminist and Feminism mean we can continue on without topic.
People just assume that referring to a person as a feminist means that they support only girls You even have dictionary definitions in front of you and I don't see the words "doesn't support the opposite gender" anywhere.
Feminism is not anti-men. It's about giving women choice. Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It's about freedom. It's about liberation. It's about equality for both the genders.
Okay, we kinda copied Emma Watson on that last bit.
Now we're going to give you some live examples of how people are stereotypical by default, such as even the girls in our class. Being a girly girl apparently means being prissy pink and perfect and oh! even weak.
Wherever so did people get the definition to girly being all about pink, people acting like their own gender apparently is now a crime.
See how a girl being tomboyish is amazing she's now a strong 21st-century individual but if the same girl likes to dress up and look pretty then oh no! she's a girly girl who's weak and prissy.
I find such people really annoying but at the same time, we can't blame them. Such stereotypical thoughts are like hard-wired into our heads.
Let's put the genders away for a second. Every individual is talented and special in their own beautiful way and we all should appreciate each other.

Ok....that was just way too dramatic, but people we're serious here, how can you expect us to be girls here and at the same time not support our own gender.

We're Feminists, and that makes us proud.

Now we're going to go ahead and quote some of our favorite feminist quotes.

What's a queen without her king?
                         Well historically speaking, more powerful.
Amshu: Bam! I think that's such an awesome quote and since I'm a sucker for history this quote is like my literal favorite.

Feminism is not here to dictate you.
It's not prescriptive.
It's not dogmatic.
All we are here to do is give you a choice.
                                                                       ~Emma Watson

So shout out to all the girls out there, You all are amazing no matter what.
We all have our down moments, but no one and I mean no one has the right to decide how you feel other than you and no one but you. 
Most girls are smart and strong and beautiful
Most girls, work hard, go far, we are unstoppable
Most girls, our fight to make every day
No two are the same
I wanna be like, I wanna be like, most girls

And that folks are the lyrics from Hailee Steinfeld's song 'Most Girls'. It is one of the most epic feminist songs. So, in our opinion, we all should just be ourselves and that is the best for all of us.
~Amshu and Pragya


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