Why One Direction Will Come Back

That picture is so good. *sniffs*
Hey y'all! Vas happenin'? Sit down if you haven't already (if you're not seated, that's kinda weird cause who the heck these days is on their laptop or phone viewing a blog and not sitting down). I'm about to give you the lesson of your life. Why One Direction aka.... 
The biggest band on the planet!
..is going to come back from their "hiatus".
P.S. If you had no idea what that picture was about, Google  'Best Song Ever'.

Now ask me why I love One Direction so much. Some people will say, "It's because of their looks, their style, their, popularity" and I'll say, "Ummmm. No."
I mean if we're being real here, then YES their singing is AWESOME, YES they are HANDSOME AS HELL, and YES they TOP THE CHARTS.
But the thing that I love the most about 🆔 is their personality as well as attitude. They have such a positive outlook on life and spread such good vibes around.

Sadly, they are currently on a hiatus that was supposed to be 18 months long. The hiatus started near the end of 2015. It has been almost 3 years now.  And they're still not back. This is the reason why everyone has been doubting that One Direction will ever be back.

Still, many (including me) are not being stupid and actually realise that there is nothing wrong and our favourite band is going to return and start touring again in no time.
Not convinced? Don't worry. I have proof.

1. Modest! Management
Modest! Management are an artist management company. When One Direction was signed to Syco Music, Simon Cowell assigned M!M as their management team.
Now Modest don't have a very good reputation in the 1D fandom or outside. They have overworked the boys soooooo freaking much that I don't even like to think about it. I mean
Up All Night : released 18 November 2011
Up All Night Tour : 18 December 2011 - 1 July 2012
Take Me Home : released 9 November 2012
Take Me Home Tour : 3 November 2013 - 23 February 2013 
Four : released 17 November 2014
Where We Are Tour : 25 April 2014 - 5 October 2014
Made In The AM : released 31 July 2015
On The Road Again : 7 February 2015 - 31 October 2015 
is waaaay too much work. Still, what do One Direction do? They smile. That, my friends, is one of the reasons why they are my role models.

But, the members of One Direction have also often expressed their hatred towards Modest in very sneaky ways indeed.
For example:        
                        In One Direction's song You and I, Harry sings, "No not even the gods above                               could separate the two of us" and on 1D Day, Harry called Modest 'the gods                                 above'.

Liam has bet his house, money etc that 1D will come back in 2020. Why 2020 you may ask?
Well, One Direction's contract with the pathetic company Modest! Management is said to end in 2020. Coming back when you are no longer managed by Modest would actually make pretty sense right?
 So that's why I think they're going to make a return in 2020. If you have a question or disagree, the comment box is always open. 
Signing out.



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