Five Words That's All-1

Five Words That's All- 1

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Welcome back to our blog! Today we'll be learning five new words (unless of course you don't care and won't bother learning about all this,). So this update is something new and we'll try doing this every weekday and on the weekends there will be a different update.
Just five words that appeared interesting to us. We both have a deep interest in English, literature, and grammar so this is some thing that we enjoy doing. 
We are those weird people who create new games with dictionaries. And that may seem weird but as Ludwig Wittgenstein had said 
"The limits of your language are the limits of your world," 
 So come join us and expand your limits. (Ok, that was just...deep)
These words are some that could be useful in your daily life and one such book that is just amazing for expanding your knowledge of English is Norman Lewis' Word Power Made Easy which is a book we'd recommend to any person who wants to improve their grammar and word usage.
So the first word is:
 ~ Bibliophilia or bibliophilism is the love of books

Amshu: This is a word that probably many of us can relate to and it basically represents a part of my life. I'm a bibliophilist through and through.

This word is simple yet big so you can use it in word games as well and one advantage is when you just randomly use this word in your sentences you impress your friends big time. 

Me: I'm such a big Bibliophilist.
Friend: What?
Me: Bibliophilist, it means a person who loves books.
Friend: *impressed*
Me: *smirking to self*

Moving on, we have

 ~ Dudgeon which means angry or resentful or a feeling of offense. This word can be used in our daily lifves quite often in my opinion. Such as, 'When I heard her talking about my best friend in such a spiteful way I walked away in dudgeon' (daily story, you mess with one of us you mess with all of us)

The third word of this update is a word that could describe me (again) and is the love for something I'm passionate about and that is movies. 

The person with who loves movies, cinemas, and films (yes I know they all mean the same) is commonly called a cine buff but there's a more exact word and that is
 ~ cinephile or cinemaphile.

The fourth word is a study and if you have ever wondered what the study of music is, this is the word for you. Most people would call it musicology but there's a much bigger and posher word which is

 ~ Ethnomusicology which is the study of music in its cultural context.

The final word for today is 

 ~ Pacifism which is the belief that disputes should be solved without the use of war or violence. And a person who believes in pacifism (and no it's not a religion) is called a pacifist. So your parents are pacifists when you and your siblings argue.

This word is quite interesting and a little bit of extra information is that the opposite of a pacifist is called a warmonger and I'm quite sure the word says it all a person who encourages war and releasing of aggression.

So here are all five of the words (including the last extra word) :

~Bibliophilia, Bibliophilism

~Cinephile, Cinemaphile
~Pacifism, Pacifist...Warmonger

Hope that you all liked this update and we will try to post more like this frequently but we have quite a busy schedule at hand right now. So stay happy until the next time or like Charles Dickens said 'The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again'.

~Amshu, Pragya


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