What People Will Do When Bored

What People Will Do When Bored

I quite like the font 'courier' it makes everything seem like it's just been printed on a typewriter. But today we will be talking about what people will do when bored,
Image result for boredom quotes
Being bored is one of the most common things that takes place in our daily lives. If we create a list things we do every day the list would go: brush, eat, drink, breathe, bathe, survive, go to school, and then; getting bored.

And when we are bored we end up doing the most ridiculous things, and I am not joking. Some people have this weird habit of continuously checking the contents of the fridge but not bothering to touch them.

We do it even though we know that the contents are not going to change and let me tell you I am one of those people as well. Until I wrote it down I didn't realize how ridiculous it is.

A relatable saying for the fridge-content-checking-people like me:

'Facebook is like a refrigerator
You get bored and keep checking
But nothing ever changes'

Once, a friend of ours ate a whole packet of almonds! A whole kg of almonds! Don't ask why she was bored and did she increase even the slightest in weight? NO!

Here's a quote for people who like to eat when bored:

'I'm not bored
      but I am hungry
          Therefore, I shall eat'

Then some people like to doodle I come in that category as well though if I ever drew something you would not be able to differentiate it from my scribblings.

It's like I don't even have a particular thing in my head I just let my pen draw whatever it wanted so don't be surprised if you ever saw many silly doodles on the margins of my notebooks.

Some people end up doing good things when they are bored like cleaning their houses up or organizing their bookshelves or re-setting their closets.

This funny thing happened to me last year was when I got bored of staying at home, I was home alone and the power had gone out and our house was working on the generator,

So my television wasn't working and because I got bored I took out all the clothes from my closet and even though they were folded I folded them again and then on some post-it notes made some outfit ideas and pasted them inside my closet.

Weird. I know, but at least it did me some good. But you know what it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than boring. *brightens up* I just quoted Marilyn Monroe.

But here's a great advice from god himself- "Boredom is God's way of telling you that you are wasting time" 

But seriously when I am bored I wish, I beg, I pray that I get kidnapped and I go on an adventure 

I wish that my friends are with me so we can have a blast and that is ten times better than going on an adventure. 

So folks remember this if you are bored either eat, or check the contents of your fridge, or organize basically everything or doodle but best remember that it's you who decides whether you are bored or not.


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