Five Words That's All-2

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Five Words That's All-2

So much for keeping daily updates...
Anyways! Hey guys and welcome back to our blog. We know that we haven't been updating recently so we're going to try our best to update as much we can whenever we can.

So let's begin with the words for today, now shall we. I wish that this was like a youtube channel and I could do transitions. *sighing*

So the first word for today is:

This word is an adjective and means friendly. I don't know how the word got its origin but in my point of view, it looks like 'Ami' is basically Amie or friend in French.

This word is a divergent faction and it's a really cool word if you ask me. It's a noun meaning the quality of being open in expression and feelings. BTW, Divergent is an amazing trilogy and if you haven't read it you should totally read it.

Now, this is not a word we see often in our daily lives. Cogent is an adjective meaning Clear, logical and convincing. It seems like a simple word and you could use it in your daily life as well.

I may or may not have used this word a few times but it's an adjective meaning fluent and persuasive in speech or written words. Fluent is a much more widely used word. The word is also quite similar to Elegant.

This word is something that many of us haven't probably ever heard before and neither did I until recently. Well, I discovered the word while scanning the dictionary. It means to free from blame and is a verb. It is perhaps one of the words you could use in your daily vocab.

So those were all of the words for today, hopefully, we will be updating more often. Comment down below if you guys want us to write about something in particular or want us to make a part two of a particular update. So until then...

~Amshu (Co-blogger)


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